Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Review~The Healer's Gift~Barbara Cutrera~3 Stars

***3 Stars***

While this type of story is not my general cup of tea, I went into it with an open mind, and was surprised at flow and depth of this one. The main characters were Ainsland, the 18 year old virgin widow who is trying to escape from her husband's murderer and Collum, a much older healer that has some supernatural abilities. Collum rescues Ainsland when he finds her passed out in the woods and heals her injuries. From here begins a tender love story.
I was most impressed at the clear demarcation that Mrs. Cutrera was able to make between good and evil, demonstrating to us the goodness that is inherent in most human beings. The trials and tribulations suffered by the two main characters were horrible at best, beatings, whippings, kidnapping, & miscarriage. However, this allowed the author to illustrate some impressive familial bonds, even after being estranged for some time. All in all, for being a novella, there was a ton of information packed in. I am giving this one 3 stars. While not my general type of reading, it was a story of love between two gentle people and the unbreakable bond of family.

Currently available from 

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